Based on the Hebrew calendar Rosh Hashanah commences at sundown October 2, beginning a ten day span concluding with Yom Kippur on October 12. This period is called “Ten Days of Awe” or “Ten Days of Repentance”; a time for introspection.

As always I will reflect on my personal actions or lack thereof during this past year and ask for forgiveness from others as well as forgive those who may have been hurtful towards me as I strive to be a more caring person in the new year.

However, this holy time takes on a new meaning for me as we approach the one year anniversary of the October 7 massacre in Israel of 1200 people and the capture of 251 hostages, all leading to more turmoil in an already beleaguered Middle East. One thing I’m clear about; the Jewish people have for thousands of years been resilient!

I ask you to join me in a prayer for SHALOM (peace).
